Community Response to George Floyd's Murder in Columbus, OH - May 30, 2020 - Prof. Spira Docusode

4 years ago

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Footage of, and discussion about, the non-violent demonstrations that took place on 5/30/2020 in Columbus, OH to demand justice for George Floyd's murder at the hands of Minneapolis police. (see this list of demands put out by the People's Justice Project: )
The docusode only covers the portion of the demonstration that Prof. Spira attended from 11:20am - 5:30pm. The entire event started at 9am at the Statehouse. Support and follow the People's Justice Project: @OhioPJP

Watch "Psychopathic Police Brutality" by Prof. Spira and Brother Air here:

Watch Prof. Spira & Brother Air on the recent riots here:

Watch Prof. Spira's docusode on the anti-racism protests in 2012:

CHBG Protest Chant:
Krishna and Arjuna speak of War in the Bhagavad Gita

"[Arjuna]:There [on the battlefield] Arjuna saw his uncles, grandfathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, and comrades. (1.26) Seeing fathers-in-law, all those kinsmen, and other dear ones standing in the ranks of the two armies, (1.27) Arjuna was overcome with great compassion and sorrowfully said: O Krishna, seeing my kinsmen standing with a desire to fight, (1.28) My limbs fail and my mouth becomes dry. My body quivers and my hairs stand on end. The bow, Gaandeeva, slips from my hand and my skin intensely burns. My head turns, I am unable to stand steady and, O Krishna, I see bad omens. I see no use of killing my kinsmen in battle. I desire neither victory nor pleasure nor kingdom, O Krishna. What is the use of the kingdom, or enjoyment, or even life, O Krishna? Because all those, for whom we desire kingdom, enjoyments, and pleasures, are standing here for the battle, giving up their lives and wealth. Teachers, uncles, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brothers-in-law, and other relatives. I do not wish to kill them, who are also about to kill, even for the sovereignty of the three worlds, let alone for this earthly kingdom, O Krishna. . . .

[Lord Krishna] said: How has the dejection come to you at this juncture? This is not fit for [people of noble mind and deeds]. It is disgraceful, and it does not lead one to heaven, O Arjuna. (2.02) Do not become a coward because it does not befit you. Shake off this weakness of your heart and get up (for the battle), O Arjuna. (2.03) . . . You grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. (2.11) . . . You grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. . .

Considering also your duty as a warrior you should not waver. Because there is nothing more auspicious for a warrior than a righteous war. (2.31) Only the fortunate warriors get such an opportunity for an unsought war that is like an open door to heaven. (2.32) If you will not fight this righteous war, then you will fail in your duty, lose your reputation, and incur sin. (2.33) People will talk about your disgrace forever. To the honored, dishonor is worse than death. (2.34) The great warriors will think that you have retreated from the battle out of fear. Those who have greatly esteemed you will lose respect for you. (2.35) Your enemies will speak many unmentionable words and scorn your ability. What could be more painful than this? (2.36) . . . Get up with a determination to fight. (2.37) Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat alike, engage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this way you will not incur sin (Bhagavad Gita)."
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General Disclaimer: The content found in this video and associated websites are based upon the opinions and research of Prof. Spira and his guests, and is strictly for informational and educational purposes only.
#GeorgeFloyd #JusticeForFloyd

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