Call to Arms

1 year ago

To all the people around the world that have suffered and lost loved ones as a result of the unscrupulous devastation linked to the actions of the global elite, it's time to unite in solidarity to dismantle their empire and win back our inalienable rights to life, liberty and happiness. This is the revolution. We will die on this hill.

A huge thank you to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano whose plea forms the audio narration for this video. The original video can be watched here:

Gab is the only platform we trust at this stage. All you need to do is create a Gab account and follow the COR group at and get all the awakened people you know to follow as well. There is a plan that will be progressively revealed in the fullness of time.

The best way you can help right now is GROW THE NUMBERS. No numbers, no plan, no win.

– Cordis

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