What is cholera? How to get infected? How to prevent it?

1 year ago

Specifically, cholera is caused by contamination of ingested food or water with the bacteria Solitaria cholerae, an acute diarrheal infectious disease.
The source of infection includes two aspects:
1. Cholera patients: their excrement and vomit contain a large amount of Vibrio cholerae
2. Cholera carriers: Those who do not have the disease, have no clinical manifestations such as diarrhea and vomiting, but have Vibrio cholerae in their feces.
Cholera is mainly transmitted through the fecal-oral route, which is what we often call "disease from the mouth"
Cholera is not spread through the air, nor can it be spread through the skin.
To prevent cholera remember:
1. Eat cooked food, do not drink raw water and regularly sterilize tableware
2. Wash your hands frequently and do not defecate anywhere
3. Do a good job of home and environmental sanitation and promptly remove dead ends of garbage
4. If you have severe diarrhea symptoms, you should go to the hospital in time and do a Vibrio cholera test.

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