Preparing for the Dire Straits!

2 years ago

17 (18) TAMMUZ 5782
JULY 16 (17) 2022

The 17th falls on Shabbat so the Jews Fast on the 18th. Sunday.
Tisha B'Av Is A Fast Day On The Jewish Calendar And The Next Three Weeks A Time Of Mourning About The Destruction Of The Two Temples, But Looking Forward To The Building Of The Third Temple!

Jewish History
Golden Calf Destroyed (1313 BCE) on the 17th of Tammuz
Moses destroyed the Golden Calf, and re-ascended Mount Sinai to plead G-d's forgiveness for the Jewish people. (Exodus 32:20)

The fast day mourns the breaching of Jerusalem's walls and the other tragic events that occurred on Tammuz 17--and repenting and rectifying their causes.

"The Three Weeks" also known as “Dire Straits” Between a rock and a hard place
During the Three Weeks, from 17th of Tamuz to the 9th of Av, we commemorate the conquest of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people.

Weddings and other joyful events are not held during this period as it is a time of mourning.
Humility is key as well as acts of kindness and charity.

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