Climate Change Agenda The Existential Threat to Humanity

1 year ago

This video from Epoch TV is an interview with a Dutch Politician who exposes the EU and the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the vehicle for the elitist global takeover. In every country in the world Sustainable Development Goals have been adopted, however there is no country in the democratic world that has taken this to the voting public as an election issue. The Netherlands is the petri dish, the first democratic government in the world that has implemented the confiscation of farmers land under the guise of Sustainable Development Goals. The hypocrisy is blatant, the world experiencing a food crisis and the globalist infiltrated Dutch Government wants to magnify this on its own citizens to destroy the food producing capacity of its own country under the guise of a manufactured nitrogen crisis via an agreement called Natura 2000. This is a loud warning to citizens of the world, when is this going to be implemented in your country. Strangely enough it is not being covered by MSM in countries outside of the Netherlands.

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