7/11/22 Manic Monday – Pedo Peter and the Iphone/Icloud from hell

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Drip , Drip, then theres the flood of filth & corruption from Hunter Bidens Iphone/Icloud. The Biden Crime Family has been exposed & the MSM is mute on this , if this would have been either of Trump sons you would not be able to turn on the TV w/o hearing about this.

1. Demokkkrat Plantation Comedy -Big Fat Shirely is EATIN!! Stacey Abrams campaign commercial is so wrong for her morbidly obese statue , who's idea was it to do this?

2. New movie coming out exposing how our voting machines totally select who wins ,not the voter Selection Code debuts 8/20/2020

3. What percentage of the Earth’s atmosphere is CO2? its less than .04 of a percent Humans create on 3% - Climate Change is a HOAX

4. CDC recommends wearing masks due to summer COVID surge , MASK don't work if they did why did we continue to have cases when 90% of the country was wearing mask

5. FAA -Future Akatas of America the new Michael Browns video of black toddlers in diapers cursing & hitting the police

6. President Trump calls Elon Musk a “bullshit artist” and says that he reviewed Elon’s contract to purchase Twitter

7. Elon Musk is a Globalist supports the NWO , judge him by his own words

8. Epstein -Maxwell, Les Wexner Mossad Connection & Jew Supremacy
a.) Gideon Levy tells the truth about the
Israel & Jew propaganda used against
the American people how they control
both houses of our Government

9. video asking the Gay Community do they like Joe Biden , they all hate him

10. Protestor asks Joe Biden about Hunter’s leaked files. Biden has nothing to say

11. Biden In his own words & his Son Hunter Biden violating everything Biden "stood against"

12. HunterBiden pleading with a prostitute (after he gave her $10k) about whether he mistreated her or not. She doesn't seem impressed with him at all

13. Hunter Biden argues with a hooker about how much crack he has

14. Hunter Biden could face prostitution charges for transporting hookers across state lines and disguising checks to them as payments for 'medical services

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