The Weekly Energy Foresight for July 11-17, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards: Rider Waite

by: Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith

Oracle Cards: Goddess Guidance

by: Hay House

July 11-17, 2022

Ace Of Wands

WOW! Coming off that last week of working we are hit with some major creative sparks!

It’s amazing how when we are productive we sometimes find new inspiration comes with it

A new passion or muse may be causing some delightfully hi-vibe energy to be surrounding you at this time - take this as a sign to get moving and use this powerful omen as enthusiasm to go the distance 🙌

Mid-Week ~ 11-14

Isis - Past Life

End-Week ~ 14-17

Ixchel - Medicine Woman


11 -All American Pet Photo Day

-National 7-11 Day

-National Cheer Up the Lonely Day

-International Town Criers Day

-Orangeman’s Day

12 -National Simplicity Day

-Paper Bag Day

-Malala Day

13 -Cow Appreciation Day

-National Barbershop Music Appreciation Day

-National French Fry Day

-🌝 Full Moon

14 -National Tape Measure Day

-National Mac & Cheese Day

-Bastille Day

- 🌖 Waning Moon

15 -National I Love Horses Day

-National Pet Fire Safety Day

-National Give Something Away Day

-National Gummi Worm Day

-World Youth Skills Day

16 -Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day

-National Corn Fritters Day

-World Snake Day

17 -National Yellow Pig Day

-National Tattoo Day

-World Emoji Day

-17th of Tammuz



🎶 Envato, Kevin MacLeod , iMovie Royalty Free Audio/Visuals, & Wondershare Filmora Royalty Free Audio/Visuals

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