Is there a place for regular (non-COVID) childhood vaccination moving forward in a better way?

2 years ago

If I had children, I seriously doubt whether, with my current knowledge, I would let them get even a single regular vaccine. (I have no doubt on the COVID jab: it would be over my dead body that my child would get that toxin injected.)

Here are some of the essential questions that I'd like to have answered:

Where is the proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that these viruses (e.g. measles, polio) actually exist? Where is the replication of said proof?

Where is the proof that these viruses are the one and only cause of the disease? Where is the replication of said proof?

Scurvy, beriberi and pellagra were once thought to be infectious diseases. Later it was discovered that they were not infectious, but due to deficiencies in B- and C-vitamins. What scientific evidence is there to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that flu-like diseases are not mostly/only due to some environmental factor?

NB: I'm one of the people who believe that at best, virology may be true but has clay feet (i.e. significant lack in critical scientific proof), and at worst, may be a pseudo-science. Study dr. Sam Bailey's and dr. Peter Duesberg's work for more info.

Where is the proof that (combination) vaccination is SAFE as in at least decade-long double blinded inert placebo controlled studies and/or observational studies (such as performed by dr. Paul Thomas) with all-cause morbidity and mortality as the primary endpoints?

Where is the proof that vaccination is the ONLY available modality of prevention/treatment? Example: it has already been shown in the 1930s that polio can be cured with intravenous vitamin C injections. We have safe, highly effective, universal treatments such as intravenous ozone and chlorine dioxide.

Where is the proof that vaccination is even NECESSARY currently since basic sanitation and hygiene is so much better now than in the past? Read the brilliant book 'Dissolving illusions' which discusses this topic in detail. What is the absolute risk of morbidity and mortality of the diseases vaccinated against for healthy children?

Where is the actual MEASURED (not just THEORIZED) proof that these vaccines block transmission?

Where is the need for herd immunity to protect the immunocompromised if we can just support their immune systems with adequate vitamins, minerals, a healthy lifestyle (e.g. sunlight), and early intensive combination treatment with cheap repurposed micronutrients/drugs?

It is unethical to risk negative side-effects in young, healthy children to protect the elderly and especially those who chose to neglect/abuse their body with unhealthy diet, lifestyle and environment.


Segment from episode 275 of The Highwire:

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