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Designed to Be Happy with Liam Naden

2 years ago

‘It’s just being aware of who you really are. The beautiful part about living from your creative brain is that your awareness completely shifts. When you’re in your creative brain, you begin to see the truth. The truth about who you are and that you’re not some limited victim of politicians, big corporations, your boss, the economy, or anything. That’s not who you are. You’re connected to this infinite intelligence through your creative brain, and it’s scientifically provable. You’re here to have an experience of being the best that you can be, and that involves seeing the truth of who you are.’

‘Wealth is about abundance. But abundance comes from the present moment and feeling creative and realizing who you are. Lack of abundance is feeling limitation and limitation comes from fear. If you’re in a fear state, you see limitation, and in your creative state, there is no limitation. Our fears are worrying about the future and regret about the past. When you have no fear, you can enjoy the only thing that is, which is the present moment. Wealth is about seeing who you are and knowing that we live in the most incredible universe.’

‘I think the world is a perfect place. I don’t see any problems. I just see people who aren’t aware of who they are. We just need to learn to use our brains the right way. It’s not only possible to live a happy life, it’s what you’re designed to do. You’ve just been tricked or fooled. There are people who are manipulating you and want to manipulate you for power, AND the only way they can do that is through the only part of you they can control, which is your fear-based brain.`

To learn more about Liam Naden and his work, visit https://liamnaden.com/

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