A Loving Father's Image, To Greener Pastures, Chevrah Kadishah Miracles and Gavriel's Prescriptions

2 years ago

A Loving father's image from the sefer Touched by their spirit by Rabbi Yechiel Spero. from the FJJ October 14, 2021
Parshas Lech Lecha to Greener pastures by Y. Levenstein. The Boro Park View October 15, 2021
Treasures of Emunah by Rabbi Elimelech Biderman shlita about a niftar who merited miracles, and the Chevrah Kadishah who helped bury him.
From Chapter sixteen the angelic Prescriptions from the sefer The Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer, Artscroll. The FJJ October 14, 2021.
First premiered in YouTube Oct 26, 2021

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