Fiat 500 Electric + battery exchange system concept

1 year ago

Eliminate any E-car battery 6 to 12 h charging time
by adopting a swapping battery system
and by adapting current petrol (Gas) Stations with
this system and standardizing car lithium batteries
for all makes by having three battery sizes
Small for small E-cars
Medium for medium E-cars
Large for large E-cars
I designed two battery locking systems and loading unloading mechanism

The system takes the battery out brings it down near the floor
rotates it 90° and a robotic arm puts it on a belt to get it charged
and picks up a charged one from the top belt.
A procedure that should take under 5 min not 12 hours on slow charge or 1 hour on fast charge if it is not below zero.
Fast charging only works if the outside temperature is above zero and only charges it up to 80% full!
I modified the roof grill and esthetics of a Fiat 500 and by putting in a battery system concept under the boot.
This system is usually in ground
so no ramps to go up to
but for demonstration purposes and views I lift it.
(click picture to start 3D model download then drag by holding mouse wheel and zoom with wheel.

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