Luke 12:13-34 "Do Not"

2 years ago

The title of the message today is “Do Not” when someone says, “do not,” it is a command…is it not?
For instance…if my mother said to me “Do Not” eat that cookie, because dinner is almost ready…
Now, I have a choice to make…if I eat those cookies…there will be consequences…and in my house that meant you were getting a beating.
But if she said… “I would prefer…that you did not eat that cookie because dinner is almost ready…
Well, that’s a different story…now there is a loophole!
She just signed my permission slip…and I will eat that cookie and a couple more.
But Jesus doesn’t give us a loophole in these verses…He says, “Do Not,” and that is a command!
And to ignore that command comes with consequences…we will worry, we will be anxious, and we will fear.

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