Correcting the Righteous Indignation

2 years ago

More detail about the true state of affairs as we approach the Big Rip. Newly-awakened lambs will become righteously indignant, as well they should, but we need to move on to a more pragmatic reaction and not waste so much time on the obvious charades. Tens of millions of our fellow Americans and Europeans will die in the course of a single day, and this will occur soon (2022). The militaries of the world are acutely aware of what's coming and will have their hands full; while the impulse will be strong to simply take the Evil Ones into custody and horsewhip their faces off their skulls, we know that is exactly what they expect and hope to use to box us in and force us to shelter in place. The worst thing a human can do is expect to use physical force to right the monstrous burden of evil that we suffer under; avoid physical violence at all costs, but exercise your responsibility to call out the evil and force it into (uncompromised, blackmail-free) courts of law. And feel free to visualize the hell these individual evil-doers will's an incredible salve of relief when feeling the frustration at being at the mercy of these corrupt, useless parasites.

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