LOSER - The Sad Undeniable facts of atheism in 4K

4 years ago

BE BLESSED http://shockawenow.webs.com
Websters definiton of a loser:
1 : a person or thing that loses especially consistently The team had a reputation for
being a loser year after year. 2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed Don't waste your time on that loser.
List of atheists running scared from ShockofGod challenge
Debates http://debatesonvideo.blogspot.com
The Teleological argument
Atheists major rape problem below
When you think about it atheists lose now and in the end. Since an atheist can have no objective (real) purpose they are just wasting their life on earth. On the worldview of atheism the universe dies eventually and all life is extinguished and nobody will remember anything the atheist does These facts prove atheists are losers.

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