Understanding Racism, Past Lives, Communism, Democracy & The Awakening

4 years ago

Consider this an adult video or one for adult supervision once they have watched it for themselves. Scientists, doctors, and other professionals are finally realizing there is more to our existence than those things we can touch and smell.

If you're aware of, or ready to consider the reality of, things in life that don't fit into the box the society puts us in and demands we live in, you might want to download this video while it's available. You can always delete it later.
What have you got to lose? Only information that you currently can only find from me.

Every physical living being is operating on the metaphysical battery inside it, that's you, the real you. I'm very old, strong, and here to leave you with this information regarding yourselves and what's actually around you.

Understanding is Personal Power.
The greater your accumulation of Personal Understandings, the greater your Personal Wisdom.
You might not think so, but this is all about things relative to you, who you really are, the world you live in, what's happening now, and what's coming.

Every nasty thing involved in your lives is now showing itself for what it is.
Nothing (Spirit from the Other Side) has been controlling your lives since about May of 2013. People are being themselves and doing some very deplorable things as well as more to help each other.

People are showing everyone who they really are.
Trust you heart, how do you really feel inside, not your neighbor or partner, but you.
One of the few true sayings we've been given is to be true to who you really are and it's never been as important as it is now.

The others (abusers) will be taken away soon enough.
You've nothing to worry about, you're more powerful than you realize.
Just be you. The rest will be taken care of for you, time will show.

At 1:31:52, I accidentally said they were building the White House in 1989 instead of 1789. Oops.

There's a lot of info here. Many of you will put it to good use, some now and many later.

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