Povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite: kills COVID virus in nasal/oral passages

2 years ago

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander speaks about povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide, or sodium hypochlorite as nasal and oral washes or virucides that effectively kill COVID virus in the nasal and oral passages. July 10, 2022

My content is available for free. I have lost extensive income due to my advocacy for early treatment and my stance against the COVID vaccines, especially for children. Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated in my sharing of research and the fight against scientific censorship where several good and brilliant doctors and scientists are silenced and cancelled, including myself. It is absolutely imperative that people/populations are given accurate information about the benefits and harms of societal restrictions or medical interventions such as vaccines. Only then can people make informed decisions about what is best for them.

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