Ιταλία : Ο πρόεδρος Ματαρέλα δέχθηκε την πρόταση επανεκλογής του

3 years ago

Παραμένει ο Mario Draghi πρωθυπουργός.
Όπως έκαναν γνωστό εκπρόσωποι των κομμάτων που μετέβησαν στο προεδρικό μέγαρο Κυρινάλιο, ο Ιταλός πρόεδρος Σέρτζιο Ματαρέλα (Sergio Mattarella) δήλωσε ότι αποδέχεται την πρόταση επανεκλογής του για μια δεύτερη προεδρική θητεία.
Italy's parties were set Saturday to vote for outgoing President Sergio Mattarella to stay on for another term, averting the political chaos a failure to elect his successor could have sparked in the eurozone's third-largest economy.

Electing the 80-year-old would end weeks of hand-wringing over whether prized Prime Minister Mario Draghi should be elevated, with many fearing such a move would leave the government rudderless at a highly sensitive time.

The eighth ballot began at 4:30 pm (1530 GMT) and Mattarella will need to pocket 505 or more votes.

The former constitutional court judge had repeatedly ruled out serving for a second term, but appeared to have given in Saturday after Italy's bickering political parties failed to find another viable candidate.

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