Way To Raman Reti Mathura via Gokul.

2 years ago

Situated in Gokul, a few kilometers away from Mathura is this incredible place called Raman Van or Raman Reti―whose sacred sands (reti) are redolent with the stories of a bygone era when Lord Krishna frequented to engage in divine plays (raman) with his brother, Balarama and his cowherd friends. This is also the place he chose to meet his love, Radha before embarking on their journey to Vrindavan together. Raman Reti today is a sandy locale sprawled in a spacious compound complete with a deer sanctuary, a couple of beautiful temples and a relaxing area for ascetics, saints and pilgrims alike. Besides paying reverence, spend some time simply ambling around in the complex―try to bask in the pastimes of Lord Krishna treasured in the sands of Raman Reti.

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