The sharp talons of the eagle are really fierce

1 year ago

Characteristics of eagles include good eyesight, long life span, carnivore, and a preference for flying and calling in the air during breeding season. Eagles are generally active at night and mostly inhabit the mountains, forests and plains. The eagle's eyes are particularly sharp, human eyes to see 20 meters away from the insect is a difficult thing, but for the eagle can be very easy, the eagle can even see 100 meters away from the small insects. This is because the cone cells on the retina of the eagle's eye are particularly large, with about 1.5 million per cubic centimeter, but there are only 200,000 in the human eye, which means that the eagle's vision is eight times sharper than the human eye.
When the eagle lives to 40 years old, its feathers are old and heavy, and its beak is long and curved. To fight the long sky, it must renew these important parts. So at this time, the eagle will find a cliff and hit its beak hard to remove the calluses and reveal the new quality, and then bear the pain to pluck off the superfluous feathers one by one until the new feathers grow out. After five months of self-remodeling, the eagle reaps a life span of up to 30 years and is free to be king in the air again.

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