Panda's cuteness is not ordinary

2 years ago

Giant pandas are plump and bear-like, rich and rich, with round heads and short tails, 1.2-1.8 meters long at the head and 10-12 centimeters long at the tail. Body weight is 80-120 kg, up to 180 kg, and slightly heavier in the case of bred pandas, with males generally slightly larger than females. The head and body fur are distinctly black and white, but the black is not pure black and the white is not pure white, but black with brown and white with yellow. The giant panda spends half of its day eating and most of the remaining half in sleep. In the wild, giant pandas sleep for 2-4 hours in between every two meals, lying flat, on their sides, prone, stretched out or curled up in a ball are their preferred ways of sleeping.

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