Shopify Tutorial For Beginners | Mini Wholesale Vendor Haul Expanding My Home Based Business

4 years ago

Hi loves, in this video, I share with you items that I purchased from a wholesaler in order to fill the requirements that is requesting in order to accept my business as a part of their network of wholesale vendors.
I have to submit two invoices from other wholesalers to show that I've established a relationship with other vendors. this is an unboxing of products from one of those vendors. I have listed the vendor below if you are interested as well as the link to my website.
I had so much fun making this video and I hope you have fun watching it, thank you for watching my video. Remember to like the video, comment, and subscribe and share. Be kind to yourself and each other
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Wholesale Vendor
US Jewelry House
1239 Broadway #1
New York NY 10001
Watch this video for additional wholesale vendors -

Mini Wholesale Vendor Haul Expanding My Home Based Business


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