Hands down the most lucrative movie ever made.

2 years ago

This one was made in 1969 and still brings in over 17 million a day.

I should have gone into more detail on the construction of the vertical zeppelins with their fireworks display at the bottom. There have been some photos, sites, and videos showing remains of them when there was a crash or mishap, but they all seem to have been scrubbed. I have had some amazing blog discussions on how simple it would be to make a reliable device along those lines, and how it would behave much more in line with what you see in the launches than what we are told the rockets are. Do you see a 4.5 million pound cylinder being pushed up by giant rocket thrusters so precisely controlled as to keep it perfectly vertical; Or are you looking at a thin shell structure made of teflon and aluminum fabric that has a hydrogen bladder in the top section for lift, and a hydrogen cooling / fireworks / thruster at the bottom, both fed by high pressure tanks near the base to keep it upright? If you look closely, you can see the outer skin heave, shimmy and flex. In footage where they break up, they slow down, stop and fold like they are a hollow thin shelled structure then slowly float back down. They don't act like something that weighs 4.5 million pounds.
Also, there is so much pushback on even thinking to question it. The fanboys get really vicious. They make it personal, because they don't like you calling their fantasy into question. I also see much evidence of coordinated slick high dollar attacks on "deniers," including sophisticated fake opposition.

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