The Most Obvious Conspiracy…That Almost No One is Noticing: A One Party System is Coming to the US

2 years ago

Everyone knows that something is, uhm, a bit sus with the politicol narratives these days. The problem is that when most people notice that something about their parties politics stinks, they just switch sides. Or, at least, they think they do.
One commonality that people on both sides of the politicol aisle increasingly share is an awareness that the United States is becoming increasingly fascist. The problem is, they just blame the Other, not realising that the two sides have just been designated to different vectors of the same agenda, and that they are are all marching in lock-step to the beat of the same drum.
The narratives that are driving the division are completely identical to every other instance of fascist take-over throught history. There is a formula, and after watching this Lightstream, you have no doubt that the formula is being applied, and that it is working like a charm, as it always has in the past. the only chance we have at subverting an international humanitarian crisis (to put it mildly), of almost certain never before witnessed magnitude, is that the zombie masses will recognize the spell that they are under. That realization is all that it will take to break that spell.

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