Death toll from Brazil landslides, floods rises to 117

2 years ago

#Landslides and floods on Tuesday in the Brazilian city of Petrópolis have caused 117 people dead and 116 are still missing, according to local authorities Thursday
The rescue mission has been temporarily called off and some people, fearing more destruction, are fleeing the city.

One volunteer rescuer said that finding #survivors under the rubble was now "practically impossible".

This week's rainfall in Petrópolis was the heaviest in nearly a century.
2. Η #Petrópolis της Βραζιλίας μετά τη μάστιγα των έντονων βροχοπτώσεων και των κατολισθήσεων:
3. Στους 58 οι νεκροί από βροχές, πλημμύρες και #κατολισθήσεις στο Rio De Janeiro:

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