Protest in Moa, Holguin 🇨🇺🇨🇺🌻

3 years ago

#Moa | On June 12, 2 protests occurred in that town in Holguín. One in front of the local Communist Party office demanding for food, the other one was this one. People were marching towards the Communist Party office. The #PNR was trying to take away a man on a food line, but the people reacted and stoped the police from doing so. According to witnesses, the women threw rocks at the police. The people of Moa have also been suffering from contamination and air pollution from the nearby nickel extraction plant. They are fed up with the dictatorship.
Place: Moa
Source: Youtube Caiman Libre ( deleted video)
Date: 06-12-2020
#Protest #Freedom4Cuba #PNR #Police #communism #humanrights #Protesta #Cubans #ElCambioEsYa

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