CIA’S sexual abuse and humiliation of prisoners and the like.

2 years ago

CIA’S sexual abuse and humiliation of prisoners and the like.

Update 09-07-2022: While I don’t know the specifics of the latest propaganda and PSYOP campaigns waged on the peoples, supposedly about me Stephen Bell, I do however know it is the same merry-go-round that has been perpetuated since 2008, in which I am always as a matter of principle, demonized, ridiculed and character assassinated, and the themes of these campaigns always stay the same regardless of the factual circumstances of my life, at any given point in time, so they are just over and over again, always and primarily sexually ridiculing and humiliating me, not only with their utterly fabricated propaganda claims and narratives, that they broadcast all over the world, but they also use my sexuality and experiences, against me in these PSYOP and propaganda campaigns.

And this is something the US government and specifically the CIA are notorious for, as can be seen in so many different cases, from abu ghraib and guantanamo bay, furthermore this systematic sexual abuse and humiliation is no different in the program, and more specifically their perpetual social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell as has been proven time and again, in their own propaganda campaigns being broadcast all over the world and this is something people really should not accept yet are being indoctrinated to accept against certain people and groups.

#Stop_sexual_assaults_by_governments #CIA_mind_fuck #CIA_sexual_assault
#The_setup_has_already_happened #Real_truth #Propaganda_wars

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