"The Gold-Medal Attitude Process." (tm)

4 years ago

"Read THIS! Eliminate LACK from Appearing in Your Life." http://www.MatthewDavidHurtado.com

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The Gold-Medal Attitude (tm): read this statement every time LACK is appearing in your world, through your perspective of "I want/I need."

Helpful Insight:

L - ove
A - lways
C - orrects (the)
K - inesthetic

[Know what words mean:
Love: (in this case: God's Truth: perfect love which casts out fear).
Always: "all the time; quite, perpetually."
Corrects: "to bring into accordance with a standard or original," God's blueprint.
Kinesthetic: (from PIE root *keie- "to set in motion") + aisthesis "sensation" (from PIE root *au- "to perceive").]

"This LACK appearing to my five-human senses is nothing but JOY being repressed...to the point of concern (over a belief that is waiting to be corrected by my new attitude, now! God is ALL-IN-ALL. God is always good."

13 Key Steps to Manifest Your Good: A deeper understanding of the TRUTH statement above.

1. The appearance of LACK is due to FEAR, it is not a fact-of-life.

2. The direct cause for LACK is a belief in 'human material sense'.

3. FEAR is a non-power, a suggestion from the world of material-form, a dead-carcass: False Evidence Appearing Real.

4. FEAR arises anytime I give my power away to external conditions.

5. The action to produce LACK is "reasoning" - a condition or symptom of broken TRUST whereby a person assumes responsibility in 'taking concern' over human material-needs.

6. God NEVER engineered His "Man" (manifest reflection-image-likeness) to meet his own needs.

7. Using HUMAN WILL to manipulate or control outer circumstances is the behavior causing LACK to appear.


9. Resistance to the flow-of-good (God's perpetual love) is not possible, except by human-error/opinion; a BELIEF IN TWO-POWERS.

10. "Ignorance of The Father" - ignoring a commandment! No other gods (power) is the shadow-governance (human opinion-lies). Herein is all human suffering-states-of-being.

11. I see, smell, hear, taste, and touch (five material senses) these opinions of ERROR perceived as LACK. It is "incompleteness" from the world's ideas: ignorance of The Father (completeness). ERROR - the world's ideas - appears in my consciousness as LACK, causing me to "want" for something I've already been given. Mistakingly, I have used HUMAN WILL to produce LACK through binding myself to the world "out there," FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real (five human senses). Now, I will SIGHT THE TRUTH. Error is appearing as "incompleteness" from an idea within myself so that it can be BROUGHT INTO COMPLETENESS by my Divinity - I AM THE LIVING CHRIST! - Human Imagination-Spirit-Eternal-Real.

12. As I NOW approach LACK with JOY-FILLED THANKSGIVING void of "reasoning/doubt" (right vs. wrong. ...Who...what...where...when...why...how?)

13. My NEW ATTITUDE sets forth confirmation-of-good and dissolves the LACK, as long as I AM IN PEACE...pouring out LOVE into the appearance of "incompleteness or disharmony" in my world, what I used to call LACK. I bring my world to its completeness!

NOW... Ask Yourself, 'What is The Fastest Path to My Joy - In This Moment?' Do THIS with ZERO Fear as to The Outcome... (Rinse & Repeat, All Day - Every Day).

(C) Copyright 2020. Matthew David Hurtado. The Minister of Allowing.

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