Vlog That Was Not Human

1 year ago

Vlog, what's coming next and very soon at that?

Other Sites, unable to comment, E-mail me. Do not send me any thing in the mail, E-mail me?

Voting, our elections are rigged, first time I know of was 2000 electoral vote 271/266 Hanging chads? Al Gore/Bush Jr. swing state Florida, Jeb Bush was the governor?

I want to talk about some things going on in America and elsewhere in the world.

Thousands go missing in our National Parks, hundreds of sightings of both Dogman and Bigfoot, both are demonic manifestations, tracks just stop?

I believe many beings that are not all human are walking among us. Circus couple, Tall lady in office, Black Eyed Kids. Etc.

They have been abducting humans sense the 50's extracting eggs and sperm to build bodies for the demons to inhabit?

Nephilim, dis-embodied spirits, need a body to function in out realm?

Be ready as you will begin to see things both in the sky's and at Walmart

Rebuke in the Name of Jesus and never, never, never, communicate with then. If you communicate you have just given them a legal right to communicate back and they don't have to use words?

Everything will all come together soon it's all connected, Chem Trails, the jab, UFO's, siteings of all kinds, etc.

Satan has a master plan and it's a good one.

Mat 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 

My personal opinion, UFO's will land and claim to be our creators, (Sumar Tablets)
they will also have a mandatory jab or pill that will fix everything?

People will be trampling over each other to take it?

Remember you will begin to see things, don't freak out, just observe and inform?

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