Episode 775: How to get to Heaven - Part 2

1 year ago

What are the 3 greatest words you could hear? Some would say I love you. Because they say when someone hears those words their heart leaps for joy. But is it true a person who once said I love you could later say foolishly, I think I love you, but I am not in love with you. Who are they in love with if not you? Someone else? The love may not last. But Christs love is everlasting because when he says he loves us through a priest who says with 3 greater words, "I absolve you!" When Christ empowers his priest to say those 3 beautiful words your heart not only leaps for joy but your soul with it. Why? Because unlike fleeting love, Gods absolution leads us to sanctifying grace which leads to saving your soul which leads to being with Christ in Heaven. So, the next time someone says I love you respond by saying “Do you really?” and when they say of course I do! Respond “Then help me save my soul”.

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