3 years ago

Here's a Summer Solstice/ Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer Divine Feminine, Masculine, Inner Child Energy Reading. Cancer is the sign of the Divine Feminine but also that of the Inner Child. This Reading will focus on these Cosmic alignments through the perspective of the wounded inner child in the divine feminine and masculine energies. Even though the eclipse is today, the effect can be felt for several months, and even years because it illumines that which is up for change and if taken up consciously can plant new seeds for creating a more positive future.

As we're dealing with energies this reading is valid for individuals wanting to balance and align harmoniously their inner feminine, masculine, and inner child. Relationships ( soul mate, twin soul) in conflict or separation. Couples (soul mate, twin soul) in union wanting to breakthrough obstacles impeding their divine mission.

Here's a guided meditation for the energies of the solstice and solar eclipse by psychic soul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyfwGTcqOHM

Here are the affirmations: "I AM the spirit of the One which resides in All and returns to us the joy of Divine Love."
I AM your humble servant, dear spirit. I release my ego, to feel the joy of followong Divine Will.
I AM honoring and respecting God, Source, Spirit the Father, as through my UNconditional Love I see the love deep within him.
All experiences in life have a lesson to teach. I am thankful for all that I have.
I create a safe space for my inner child. I bring all shadows to the light.
I pruify myself and clear my channels. My energies flow freely and I am restored to wholeness.
I am at peace in my heart and in the world
I enjoy the smooth and gentle flow of energies in myself and in life.
I open my heart to create harmonious relationships in life. I am one with all other beings.
I surrender and release that which has passed and rejoice in the coming of the new.
My fearless freedom LIGHTS UP THE WORLD.

I'm an intuitive reader working on the soul, energetic, shamanic, and elementals levels. The reading offers a way of becoming active in gaining consciousness on what is blocking you in your relationships starting with the wounded Inner Child. I offer guided meditations, visualisation, and affirmations based on each readings. So many readers are also saying turn the focus on yourself, so here it is. If you're interested in private readings, personalized guided meditions and energetic medicine sessions, contact me @ mistifae@gmail.com.

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