Series of Gaffes which could worsen the Crisis : Biden’s & his Minions (EU Leaders) Tendency

2 years ago

Joe Biden’s tendency to go off-script during the crisis has led to a series of gaffes which officials fear could worsen the crisis.

On several occasions his communications staff have had to go into damage-control mode trying to “clarify” what the US president has said.
Russia is focused on devising a package of countermeasures to unfriendly moves by the United States and its minions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a meeting of the United Russia party’s commission for international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad on Monday.

"It goes without saying that our attention is focused on a package of countermeasures, including legislative ones, to unfriendly actions by the United States and its minion - first and foremost, illegitimate sanctions and all decisions that infringe on the rights of Russian individuals and legal entities," Lavrov said.

He recalled that on March 15 a package of the Foreign Ministry’s amendments to the federal law on measures against persons involved in the violations of the basic human rights and freedoms and rights and freedoms of Russian citizens took effect.

"These amendments envisage the possibility of using restrictive measures against any foreign nationals and stateless persons. Earlier, such measures could be applied only to US citizens," he said.

"I believe that this step will enhance the leverage that can be employed in relations to several categories of foreign nationals - first and foremost, those who are involved in committing crimes against Russian citizens abroad. Secondly, the persons who carry out groundless juridical persecution of our people and, lastly, those who make groundless decisions that violate the rights and legitimate interests of Russian citizens and organizations," Lavrov said.

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