European Parliament Group: Are You Safe On A Plane? No. You Are Not.

1 year ago

The EU Identity and Democracy Group just held a conference (July 5th, 2022) in the European Parliament called "Post-Vac Flight Risks - Are You Safe On Board A Plane?"

German MEP Christine Anderson organised the event, stating:

"What we are actually talking about is it could cost a lot of people their lives. Because we're talking actually about a safe flight, which may no longer be the case. Because what happened was that a lot of pilots that did not want to get vaccinated have been laid off, and the ones that did get vaccinated because they had families to feed and mortgages to pay, all of these things to take care of, may now no longer be fit to fly, and that is a problem, and to the globalist elites that must be a shocker. Can you imagine: first people are being forced to get a vaccination, to only then find out that it might actually be the dumbest thing they ever did."

"This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history and moreover it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity! That is actually what we are talking about ladies and gentlemen."

Watch the full discussion here:


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