West Blind Eye on neo-Nazis’ Atrocities against Russian Prisoners, "Criminal"

2 years ago

The Western countries and their officials prefer to turn a blind eye on the Ukrainian neo-Nazis’ crimes against Russian prisoners of war, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

"Regrettably, they [in the West] do not see this not because they lack information, but because they do not wish to see it. Because they have taken the other side," she said about the evidence of tortures and abuse of Russian soldiers.

She stressed that the neo-Nazis’ crimes drew no response from the European authorities, either.

"Whom are you defending, Mr. Di Maio [Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio] and Mr. Macron [French President Emmanuel Macron]? Not to mention the British, because they are apparently hopeless," Zakharova said.

"Aren’t you Europeans, whose countries are not only the cradle of democracy but also the cradle of Europe’s current legal system, and not only of Europe, but of the whole world?"

"For eight years you preferred to turn a blind eye on the Kiev regime’s war crimes in Donbass. You just did not wish to see them. You knew about them, of course, but you preferred not to notice," Zakharova said.

Western governments are becoming accomplices to the crimes by Ukrainian neo-Nazis, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

The diplomat pointed out that as early as April 1, the Kiev regime notified the UK Foreign Office that it "does not intend to comply with the Geneva Convention concerning the treatment of Russian prisoners of war."

"Indeed, this did not start today. Throughout all these years it went on and on in relation to other people - militia people, civilians, children, women and the elderly. They did do such things as burying [people] alive and killing, and burning their ritual symbols out on human bodies," the diplomat said.

"These manipulations around Russian service members demonstrate that the authorities of many Western countries are turning into accomplices to the inhuman crimes by Ukrainian neo-Nazis," she said.
1. Lack of response from the Council of Europe, UN over POW abuse : "Criminal":
2. Shooting at the feet of prisoners and not providing medical assistance:

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