Wounded Resident of Mariupol: Nationalists shot Civilians who went out into the Street

2 years ago

1. "We were not held as hostages, but as human shields, people are shot right in the back when tried to leave"

A wounded resident of Mariupol, who was fired from Azovstal, spoke about the abuse of Ukrainian nationalists in the city.

Now the man does not know about the fate of his children and wife - according to him, the AFU opened fire from tanks at the house where they were.

“They went into the ward [to the wounded] and called them cattle. The women asked: “Sons, leave!”, And they [in response] called them cattle. We asked for water - not a drop was given. My wife was on Komsomolsky Boulevard… she told me… a Ukrainian tank came and shot at the house point-blank… And I have a family there, two children… They ran through the cellars… And now I don’t know where they are… They seem to be alive, everything will be fine… She [wife] says: “I won’t come here anymore, to the hospital, people are shot right in the back.”
2. Residents of Mariupol continue to talk about the crimes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian national battalions.
The radicals set up firing points in houses. When retreating, they were set on fire.
This was done by members of the Azov national battalion , locals say. During one of the latest attacks on the liberated part of Mariupol, 20 civilians were injured

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