Code Spark Academy Puzzles | Level 3 - Kite Plight | Advanced Sequencing

1 year ago

CodeSpark Academy Advanced Sequencing | Kite Plight
Coding Level 3 | Advanced Sequencing
Coding with Mommy and Max
Maximus Alexander Skok is a 6 year old boy getting ready to go into Kindergarten
Max was diagnosed Autistic at 18 months old
Max became fully verbal at 5 1/2 years old. Before he spoke regularly we used the PECKS system to communicate. This is where we using pictures on a board to say what we want. Once we moved communication to a tablet we were able to watch his verbal skills explode. After seeing how helpful technology was for his verbal skills we decided to utilize it for other things. Roblox makes him mad. His emotions get the better of him and we’ve had to get rid of Roblox. Same with many other games. Then we found Sago Mini, or should I say, MAx found Sago Mini. Sago Mini led him to Code Spark and the constant quarantining of healthy kids let us to investing in the program. Max’s fine motor skills, verbal skills, and tech skills are mind blowingly amazing due to these programs.

So here we are showing all of you (really we just recorded these so Max can want them, but we share them for all kids). There’s so much on youtube that is just not good for his brain so now when he’s bored and wants to watch youtube he can want himself! Lol Cross your fingers for us, I hope this works!

Until next time…
Happy CODing!

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