VIDEO - Tragic historical blunders of Apocalyptic proportions in regards to the atheistic diabolical plague of Russian and Chinese COMMUNISM...

2 years ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal, Widow...8 July 2022 AD...

Tragic historical blunders of Apocalyptic proportions in regards to the atheistic diabolical plague of Russian and Chinese COMMUNISM...the history cannot lie, as the truth bears witness to it in facts and analysis of the same, and thus the tragic implications of historical blunders, accomplished by various world leaders in the times past, them under the guise of heretical conviction of irresistible urge of the possibility of their (blind and misguided) friendship with the works of the atheistic apostate darkness of the Bolshevik totalitarian slavery, that is with the atheistic and thus bloody, terrorist and brutal Russian and Chinese Communism, their accomplishment bearing evil fruits of communist subversion and atheistic perversion of apocalyptic proportions in various still seemingly free countries of the world, God's punishment visibly approaching this today mostly apostate and therefore godless world, Christ our Lord permitting the disobedient, ungrateful, apostate, heretical and infidel populus to remain severed from the Divine and sole vessel of salvation, the true Roman Catholic Church, these historical blunders of appeasement of such diabolical atheistic communist criminals, the Russian and Chinese Communist State Mafia, these blunders bear evil fruit today, and the empty promises of security and prosperity, coming from the communist run controlled opposition will not eliminate this imminent diabolical threat of atheistic anti-Catholic slavery, the works of communist Hell approaching its final stage of temporal victory, for which evils these servants of Satan will render account to God, most of them for all eternity in the unquenchable fires of Hell FOREVER ! But the true Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church, today not in Rome but in the catacombs, will continue protected and helped by Christ our Lord, as He has promised...

Any cooperation with these communist criminals is abominable and HERETICAL...“Do NOT bear the yoke with infidels...” (2nd Corinthians 6 : 14 - 16)


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