2 years ago

(2003) B.O.H.I.C.A. Stands for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again!" Probably our overall statement regarding the Town Fathers and authority in general....a giant slab of brutal, ugly, tasteless social commentary that we lobbed out like a molotov cocktail----attempting to skewer classism, hypocrisy, colonialism and how degeneracy gets a pass as long as you have money. Which still seems relevant today (cough, Epstein, cough, Maxwell). The first part of the show seems to be the "setup"----In the second half, Jet comes out as his Billy Nabob character and Shannon appears as a similarly disgusting alter ego. I just keep on doing what I'm doing. The Man of One Face.
As per usual, the viewers of Fayetteville missed what we were actually trying to say, took it on face value and thought it was just degeneracy. Jet lifted the lengthy Billy segment and folded it into an episode of his own show. To our surprise, the City actually went after "Billy Nabob" and began a criminal investigation. CAT's Board had a hearing about it. Bob Emenegger showed up with his friend, the City's Chief Administrator, who had called for the investigation. The VDA Mafia showed up at the meeting in force. The administrator backed down, perhaps not wanting to get dragged through the mud and ridiculed, like we had done with Bob.
There was a palpable sense of dread regarding the investigation. In the end "Billy" was cleared of all charges, the City's Chief Prosecutor deciding it was "not obscene---just stupid." The "Billy" controversy wound up being the last significant controversy the VDA faced. I think after that everyone wised up and realized this Free Speech thing was too hard to get around and we knew what we were doing.
In addition to the usual music of the time-----Herschel's Radiator Shop and Mr. Fisk, this show contains music by deejay epidemic, from the CD, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci".
Oh----yeah-----Don't @ us concerning the Confederate Flag. It was a fuckin' prop, that's all. Watch the show.

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