360 Hunting Blinds - Build and Setup

2 years ago

Looking for a new hunting blind? Chris and Jake build and set up a 7' 360 PRO XL blind by 360 Hunting Blinds. This blind can be built and assembled in the field without needing a tractor. The 7' XL PRO blind is a great option for hunting with a partner or kids.

Link to the Team Radical Podcast: ​https://team-radical.simplecast.com/e...

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G5 Outdoors: https://www.g5outdoors.com/​
Prime Archery: https://www.g5prime.com/​
Real World Wildlife Products: https://www.realworldwildlifeproducts...
Novix Tree Stands: www.novixoutdoors.com
OnX Hunt: https://www.onxmaps.com/​
Green Mountain Grills: https://greenmountaingrills.com/​
Tactacam: https://www.tactacam.com/
Black Gold Sights: https://www.blackgoldsights.com/
Rip Cord Arrow Rest: https://www.ripcordarrowrests.com/
Tight Spot Quivers: https://www.tightspotquiver.com/
360 Hunting Blinds: https://www.360huntingblinds.com/

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