MASSIVE Election Fraud Exposed by We The People!

2 years ago

Our Elections and votes are how we make our voice heard.

Do you trust our elections?

If you do, you should really do some research.

Why has gas, food, etc., doubled in price?

Why is rent going up?

Why is home ownership now out of reach for so many?

Why might we be going to war?

Currently, our elections are being stolen from us.

Here are just a few issues we have in just the two largest counties in Nevada.

44,000 voters were disenfranchised by the DMV process.

Court orders and election statutes were broken by election workers.

No chain of custody was present on our ballots.

Out-of-state workers were working our elections.

No meaningful observation by us was allowed.

They tabulate our votes in secret.

The government said our voting machines have vulnerabilities.

Ours were hooked up to the internet.

The supercomputer is really running our elections, NOT people.

The computer counts all the paper ballot votes, and voting machine votes, then tells us who wins.

These machines are pre-programmed with who the “Bad” people want to win.

So, no matter who we vote for, the machine will make sure the person the “Bad” people to win, will.

The press says there’s no proof of election fraud.

We posted a $30,000 challenge where we showed the proof.

Everyone who took it, know’s we are right.

This machine, via its programming, literally injects votes—and deletes votes for their candidate to win.

Joe Lombardo was declared the winner this way.

But really, Joey Gilbert won in a landslide. We will prove this soon in court.

They do this in many political races.

Notice how our leaders do the opposite of what we want?

Stolen elections have MASSIVE consequences for We The People.

We The People must stand up and speak out NOW.

By standing up, they may call you names.

But by not standing up, you will lose it all.

Stay up to date on what we’re doing about our stolen elections, and what you can do too.

Get involved today!

Do not delay. Your family and way of life are counting on you to stop complying with this rigged system and help fix it.

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