Gripen: Best Fighter Jet ! Is it only Brazil that gets the question?

1 year ago

JAS 39 Gripen: The Best Fighter Jet No One Seems To Buy ?

Sweden plans to make the Saab JAS 39 Gripen a huge success overseas. This aircraft has not fully met its expectations in the export market. The aircraft had mixed success in foreign sales this year. Brazil is a customer, but Canada is not, as Canada chose the F-35 over the JAS 39 Gripen in a competition. The Gripen is a fourth-generation fighter that has become a quality choice for second-class aircraft around the world, but Saab wants the Gripen to be preferred by major powers.

Gripen had a dark side in its previous acquisitions,

One of the reasons for the slow sales is that the Saab Gripen has been implicated in several allegations of bribery and corruption in sales transactions to South Africa and Brazil. Although these allegations took place several years ago and some of the situations involved suppliers and not Saab itself, they overshadowed international sales.

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