Newsom Gets Nuked From Orbit In Under 60 Seconds With Latest Ad From Vote The R [VIDEOS]

1 year ago

Red Voice Media Published July 8, 2022

News and Commentary
This is the way... and the movement is spreading.

By Zach Heilman
July 8, 2022

Vote The R is on point with their messaging, Ultra MAGA, if you will

Just take a look at their latest political ad. It is right in line with what I feel the Republican party should be doing. Enough of these weak-ass establishment RINOs.

If you want to know what Vote The R is all about, check out this intro video…

Somehow I managed to miss Vote The R before the first video above about Gavin Newsom came across my desk this morning, but I did a little bit of digging and found a few more videos, but this one below was one of my favorites.

Red Voice Media Videos:

Let's Go Brandon Isn't Even About Joe Biden, It's A Giant F_k You To Democrats

Newsom Gets Nuked From Orbit In Under 60 Seconds With Latest Ad From Vote The R

Vote The R - Revolutionizing The Brand Of The Republican Party With Trey Radel

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