My Pigs Ran Out Of Water So I Build An EASY Water Level Gauge For my Pig Waterer / Rain Barrel

4 years ago

This week my American Guinea Hogs ran out of water in their waterer. I use a 55 gallon drum with a nipple waterer. However, it is located about 15 feet inside the fence so the only way to check the level is by going over the fence, into the paddock. And usually, I am on my way to or from work when I am feeding my pigs. So, that's not really a good time for me to go into the paddock to check the water level. I am not sure my co-workers would appreciate the piggy smell.

So, I put together a water level gauge using 4" sewer pipe, a plastic float, a fiberglass electric fence post threaded through a pipe cap that I cut a hole in. I topped it off with an empty 2 cycle oil bottle. Voila', I can see the level of the water in the barrel and know when I need to fill it up again!!.

This will not only work with a pig waterer; this should also work with rain barrels made from 55 gallon barrels as well. Hopefully, you'll find this to be helpful.

We are a small family farmstead in upstate NY. We raise American Guinea Hogs, meat "mutt" rabbits and a variety of heritage chickens. We also have started raising Cornish Cross broilers.

We have a large garden comprised f raised beds and do a lot of canning and freezing of vegetables. We also do some fermentation as a means of food preservation and introducing natural probiotics into our diet. This YouTube channel is dedicated to our journey towards a more sustainable, healthy and wholesome lifestyle. Who knows what we might try next??!!!!!

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