The 3 Tochka-U missiles that struck Kherson were fired from Nikolayev region

2 years ago

The Tochka-U missiles*** that struck the Ukrainian city of Kherson were fired from the Nikolayev Region, which is controlled by Ukrainian troops, a Sputnik correspondent saw their flight and the strikes on the city near the television center.

Earlier, a Sputnik correspondent reported that the center of Kherson, not far from the television center, was attacked from the positions of Ukrainian troops with Tochka-U and Uragan missiles.

A Russian security source told Sputnik that Ukrainian troops fired three Tochka-U missiles at Kherson, two of them were shot down.
Russia’s RIA news agency says Ukrainian forces in the Mykolaoiv region used the Tochka-U ballistic missile in an attack targeting Kherson’s city centre.

*** Rights groups say the weapon is extremely inaccurate and must not be used in war.

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