Can you forgive yourself / WWY Q&A 32

2 years ago

As you probably know, a large part of the initial deliverance process has to deal with forgiveness. Forgiving those that hurt us - offended us, abused us, cursed us, lied to us, set us up, failed us, etcetera. But it also has to do with forgiving ourselves as well asking Yeshua/Jesus to forgive us.

You probably know that you should pay attention to what the Bible says and to apply it to your lives. If the Bible says something twice or more you should most definitely pay attention to it. The NIV Bible has 150+ references to the topic of Forgiveness.

So I think you can understand the importance of understanding this topic as it’s utterly foundational. Not forgiving is a deliverance deal breaker and will keep you from getting your freedom.

Now of course I’m not saying this is always easy to do. I understand sometimes it is a process. I’m just saying that people sometimes can get stuck in one of these different areas of forgiveness. Obviously this time I’m talking about forgiving yourself.

This can be sometimes hard to do when a person is so filled with shame, guilt, self-hatred or self-pity or similar emotions and memories.

What can the Bible show us about this topic? Should you be hopelessly stuck there?

Want to know more? Then click on the button to watch :-D

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