EU Revising 6th Sanctions Package As 6 States Having Issues With Proposed Oil Ban

2 years ago

1. EU ambassadors are meeting on Friday to discuss the sixth package of sanctions against Russia, with six member states expressing objections to different aspects of the proposed oil embargo, a source told Sputnik.

"EU ambassadors are meeting again this morning to discuss the sixth sanction package against Russia with several member state representatives having issues on the implementation and the parameters of the oil embargo against Russia, among them the countries with the most objections on aspects of the framework are Hungary, Greece, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta and Bulgaria, for different reasons each country," the source said.

Three member stats Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Hungary mainly disagree on the timeline for the oil embargo implementation, the source explained, while Greece, Malta and Cyprus have issues with the aspects regarding the transfer of Russian oil with vessels under their flag.

The meeting is expected to be long, the source added, noting that it is not clear if there is an agreement on Friday, as there are a lot of issues to solve with these countries.
2. Orbán: Oil sanctions plan is ‘nuclear bomb’ for Hungarian economy

The EU's new sanctions plan amounts to "a nuclear bomb" for Hungary's economy, the country's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Friday.

With its proposed phaseout of Russian oil, the European Commission is attempting to impose a single rule on all 27 member countries, Orbán told public service radio channel Kossuth Rádió. That would pose a threat to the Hungarian economy because it ignores the local context, he said.

Under the most recent sanctions draft, which still has to be approved by all member countries, EU nations would have to phase out Russian oil by the end of the year. Hungary and Slovakia would get one extra year to do so.
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