May 7, 1999, the Chinese Embassy bombed: Chinese people will never forget NATO barbaric atrocities

2 years ago

Chinese people will never forget barbaric atrocities of NATO and will never allow it to be repeated.

1. Xinhua News Agency:
Tomorrow is May 7. Twenty-three years ago, on May 7, 1999, NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and wounding more than 20 Chinese diplomats. Now, 23 years later, as this special day approaches, what message does China want to send?
2. Zhao Lijian spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China:
The Chinese people will never forget such barbaric atrocities of NATO and will never allow the historical tragedy to be repeated.

NATO claims to be a defensive organization, but in fact it has repeatedly violated international law and wantonly waged war against sovereign states, undermining global and regional peace and killing and displacing a large number of innocent civilians.

In its blind pursuit of “absolute security”, NATO engaged in five consecutive waves of eastward expansion after the end of the Cold War, which did not make Europe safer, but rather sowed the seed of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, reigniting conflict on the European continent.

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