Superficial bare root walnut plantation in semi-rocky/rocky soil

2 years ago

Superficial bare root walnut plantation in semi-rocky/rocky soil:

1. Result after 4 years.
2. Planting process
a. At the point, outside the fence, the ground is semi-rocky to rocky (soapstone). A thin layer of 15-18 cm of fertile soil covers it.
Twice we tried to plant walnuts in pots (not bare roots) they grew until mid-August and then dried
b. We dug a 1x1 pit and after the surface layer we broke the semi-rock (soapstone) another 30 to 35 cm. In total we had a depth of about 50 cm.
c. We hit the bottom with a crowbar (pickaxe) and the half rock (soapstone) on the side so that it is disturbed and the roots can easily pass when they grow.
d. We mixed soil from the surrounding area with purchased topsoil and some zeolite and threw it, after spreading a handful of phosphorus fertilizer, as a first layer at 25 cm.
e. From there and above the bare walnut was planted after we supported it on a stake.
f. The soil we added was that of the excavations mixed with soil from the surrounding area. We made sure that the inoculation point (grafting) of the tree was 30 cm above the surface of the natural soil. Thus, a 20 cm surface planting cone was created, having the opportunity to increase it in the future by adding another 10 cm of composting materials.
g. After pouring enough water we covered it with straw.
3. The result in the first year (May to early June)

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