Prophecy Unveils Itself - An Obvious Statement - A Final Statement

4 years ago

This Video is made for adults. Once you watch it for yourself, decide for yourself who else in your family is ready for it.

Note: Post video comment - Elephants are older beings, almost all of them alive are Animal Essence inside, like most Whales and other Animalistic beings. Almost all Animal Essence beings were forbidden to enter any more bodies since early mid 2015. The rest are being taken out now, just like the Saiga Antelope in March of 2015, as I told you in a Feb. 2015 video.
Elephants in Botswana are dying now from a supposedly unknown cause. I'm taking them home. It's this same Golden Dragon Spirit, part of myself that's free of this body.
Their immune system is being turned against them and their brains are being shut down.
It's time for all Animal Essence beings to be back home where they belong, in the 2nd Dimension.
Change is coming. Equality is coming. Protection is coming. and Justice is coming, very soon.
Eventually the doctors will call it some type of bacterial related problem to their brains and systems.
It's just time for them to come home.
In this video I show you a little bit more about what's happening here and more in China.
Many people, and animals, will soon leave their bodies as they return back to the 2nd Dimension where we all exist in our natural lives as Spirit, Sentient Energy.
I've always been a bit blunt about things. I'm not one to beat around the bush, hide my true feelings. After all, what other kind of feelings are there?
I realize how much we all care about those we love and, as almost all of us currently believe the only us is these bodies we're in, we feel that when we lose the company of our loved ones, it's forever.
Not only is that not true, but soon all of you who want to, will start learning (on your own) how to talk with them while you're still in your body. Remember, the real you (Spirit, Sentient Energy) is the battery that makes the body you're stuck in function.
Everything you could want to help you with this is already @
Diana is only selling Spheres, Necklaces, and Rune Cards with the Runes Book. Everything else, and over 100 new items and stones, will be available a few months after I'm gone from my body. After we finish the "Purge Cycle" that we're about to go through, your lives will become better, easier, healthier, and almost cost free in ways you could never image.
Our ET neighbors are waiting to greet us as a Planet, all individually, not through governments (as they are about to change in a good way, and it's not the attempt at communism you're seeing on the internet).
There are too many people (Spirits in body) with excessively high amounts of lower frequencies (negativity) on this planet.
The ones you see, and the ones you don't, are about to be taken out.
That's how Creation becomes what it should have been from the beginning, an existence of compassion, honor, and dignity.
Not a Creation filled with abuse and abusive people.
Just F.Y.I. - ALL LIVES MATTER - not only the bodies with black skin that Spirits are in for this particular life.

Everyone's had lives in black, white, tan, etc. bodies.
Who's the bigots now? Look to the/your Left.

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