4 years ago

The walleye, commonly called Yellow Pike, is a native fish to the regions of Canada and the Northern US. The term “walleye” was derived to describe the fish’s eyes that point outwards, giving them the advantage to see things clearly in the dark.

Their colors are mostly in the olive and gold pattern, and white on the belly part. They can grow at a maximum of 30 inches and can weigh up to 20 lbs, yet the biggest walleye ever recorded is 42 inches and 29 lbs.

The Characteristics Of An Walleye
Walleye is a nocturnal fish that can still see clearly in a low-light condition. They are often found in the deeper part of the waters, especially during the summer. Their excellent visual acuity in the darkness gave them advantages over their prey.

The walleyes are also relative to sauger due to the same coloration that they have, but the difference is the white color on its belly which sauger doesn’t have.

In terms of reproduction, female walleyes can mature after a year while the male ones can be sexually mature after three to four years. During the spawning period, they tend to lay eggs over the winter up to the early spring over rocks in at a 6 to 10°C.

Their population can increase massively in one spawning as the female walleye can release over 500,000 eggs and can be hatched in a month. Once the young ones have been hatched, then they can feed on plankton and fly larvae.

Barely after 2 months, they can change their diet routine and feed on crayfish and leeches.

Walleyes In Different Culture
Walleyes are most renowned in the US, particularly in the States of Minnesota, Vermont, and South Dakota. In Minnesota, it is declared to have consumed a larger amount of walleye that’s why their state was proclaimed as the “Walleye Capital of the World”.

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