Barabash, Jewish Ukrainian soldier in besieged Mariupol plant asks Israel to intervene

2 years ago

Jewish Ukrainian soldier Vitaliy “Benya” Barabash appealed to Israel for aid in rescuing the Azovstal garrison in a Facebook video.

In his message, Barabash explains that the injuries he sustained from Russian attacks make it difficult for him to speak, so he asked his comrade to speak on behalf of the Ukrainian Jews holding out at the Azovstal steel mill.
1. Addressing “Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, the Knesset, the public of Israel,” and prominent Ukrainian Jews, Barabash’s statement announced that “in the rubble left from Azovstalí, there are Jews like me, like you.”

Sources close to the Ukrainian government told The Times of Israel that there are over 20 Jewish soldiers among the Ukrainian forces in Mariupol
2. With swollen faces and missing limbs, Ukrainian (so-called) fighters who for weeks have been defending Mariupol’s steel plant issued a desperate plea for help, seeking escape as pro-Russian forces in the city appeared to threaten an acceleration of strikes.

The Azov Regiment, the nationalist group that is part of Ukraine’s national guard that has been defending the Azovstal plant, the last bastion of Ukraine’s defense in the shattered port city, on Tuesday shared photos of the injured fighters on its Telegram channel.

Some are pictured with missing arms or legs, while many sit with bandaged wounds, waiting for help that might not arrive as Russian troops continue their assault.
*** Ukraine has proposed to Russia that badly injured war criminals in the Azovstal plant in the port of Mariupol be swapped for Russian prisoners of war, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said on Wednesday.

"There is no agreement yet. Negotiations are continuing," she said in an online post.
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